Hyperbaric Oxygen in Lower Limb Trauma (HOLLT) is an international multi-centre, randomised controlled trial being conducted by Monash University, Australia. This study aims to assess the benefit of providing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) during the acute stages of management of severe lower leg injuries, as an adjunct to normal trauma care. It is being conducted by an international network of trauma centres with hyperbaric treatment facilities.
First time an Indian centre is a part of international project on HBO in Asian countries that will help consolidate use of hyperbaric oxygen in this indication benefiting many patients.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Traumatic Brain injury (HOT-TBI) is the first study to be carried out in patients with such injuries in India.
At the Apollo Hospital, Delhi, the experience with TBI has been encouraging. The Centre initially treated patients with only ‘Universally Accepted’ indications for HBOT; however with growing evidence of the possible usefulness of HBOT in ‘Research or Off-label’ indications, it is gradually gaining its own experience in such conditions.
Use of Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy in Acute Sensorineural Hearing Loss.